To conquer others is to have power. To conquer yourself is to know the way. Lao Tzu.

Are you experiencing any of these situations?

  • I am no longer interested in my current job; I feel unmotivated every day I go to work.
  • My relationship with colleagues is not good, and I am often isolated by them.
  • I want to be promoted, but my boss does not value me.
  • I feel exhausted because I have to take on too many tasks.
  • How can I refuse unreasonable requests from a partner without affecting the current collaboration?

A book about cultivating a strong and decisive spirit to achieve success in life. Regardless of who you are—a businessperson, office worker, homemaker—you can practice the concept of Thick Face, Black Heart. You will have the opportunity to transform yourself and take control of your life.

A book about cultivating a strong and decisive spirit to achieve success in life. Regardless of who you are—a businessperson, office worker, homemaker—you can practice the concept of Thick Face, Black Heart. You will have the opportunity to transform yourself and take control of your life.

The author explores two key concepts that everyone should know and practice: Thick Face (a protective layer for one’s self-esteem against criticism) and Black Heart (a spear to fight against others and oneself). Through unique thinking and many practical examples from real life, readers can easily relate to their own situations.

By practicing Thick Face, Black Heart, individuals break free from the constraints of internal notions and external standards. From childhood, we are taught (indirectly or implicitly) that the greatest reward is others’ approval; hence, our internal sense of self is shaped by others’ expectations and beliefs. Achieving Thick Face, Black Heart means realizing the natural state of our true inner selves. We seek solid inner confidence to understand that there are times when we have to endure being slapped and times when we need to strike back twice as hard. It is not important whether you offer the other cheek when slapped; what matters is why you do or do not do so.

A person with Thick Face, Black Heart will discover the secret of the oak’s resilience and the grass’s humility. Understanding oneself to know when to exercise your destructive power and when to submit to the destructive power of others. The grass bends easily in the wind. The ancient oak stands firm. A strong wind can uproot the oak, but no wind, no matter how strong, can uproot the grass bending before it.

How to practice Thick Face, Black Heart? The author thoroughly explains the essence of Thick Face, Black Heart, and through theoretical practice and examples, anyone can achieve Thick Face, Black Heart. The author shows us how to prepare for practicing Thick Face, Black Heart by principles that dismantle what we have learned and are bound by concepts imposed by others, overcoming the fears in our minds, and reclaiming the courage to trust ourselves.

In “Thick Face, Black Heart,” you will discover your own Dharma, which involves following natural laws that guide us to recognize our role in life at any given time. Understanding Dharma helps you see that when things do not go as expected, it can be a blessing in disguise. You learn the profundity of accepting and surrendering to Dharma. According to the author, each person’s duties are predetermined; following them leads to the fulfillment of your desires. “Thick Face, Black Heart” supports you in enduring the shame of failure and criticism, helping you rise above and take necessary actions to achieve your mission.

You will learn the secrets of money and wealth: we do not have to beg; we simply need to claim what rightfully belongs to us. If we steadfastly adjust our path, we can repeatedly reinvent ourselves as inheritors of the world’s wealth. You will also understand the nobility of labor. Through labor, destiny unfolds. Your task is to discover your work and then wholeheartedly devote yourself to it

This is a great book with profound content. According to Chining Chu, successful people are not always the smartest or most talented, but those with iron will and who are not swayed by negative external factors. When exploring the inner world through ‘Thick Face, Black Heart,’ you will answer the difficult questions life poses for you, learn to face work-related troubles, and understand what you need to do to move forward positively.

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